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Free streams & major discount for No name calling week 2014

Thanks to the generosity of GroundSpark’s donor community, we are thrilled to be able to offer free streaming of two of our award-winning Respect for All Project documentary films for No Name Calling Week, January 20-24. 

We are proud to partner with the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and Simon & Schuster Children's publishing to offer free previews of Let’s Get Real and Straightlaced—How Gender’s Got Us All Tied Up to schools and community programs that want to use the films as part of their NNCW programming this year.

Let’s Get Real is recommended for students in grades 5 – 9 and Straightlaced is terrific for grades 8 – 12. Both films are also excellent teaching tools at the college level for students in education, gender studies, adolescent development, social work, and more.

After you preview, you also can receive an amazing 50 percent discount off the institutional price for these two films. Just use discount code NNCW14 and place your order by January 31, 2014.

The theme of this year’s No Name Calling Week is “Celebrate Kindness”. GroundSpark believes that the more students, staff, parents and guardians are supported to understand and address bias, gender norm stereotyping, and homophobia, the more likely it will be that students will actually celebrate kindness. As proud partners for NNCW, we are glad that our films and curriculum guides can help support discussion that opens up dialogue on these critical issues.

Please spread the word! Share this news on Facebook and Twitter or pass this email along to a friend who works with youth. Free streaming of GroundSpark films for No Name Calling Week!