Club Supporter is the leading subscriptions management app designed specifically for grassroots sports clubs

Free up hours of admin time every week and minimise unpaid subscriptions

Sign up my club

Every club needs to embrace technology and I can’t recommend Club Supporter enough as a way to help clubs progress. It has been a really worthwhile move for us, providing another option to engage with fans, save volunteer's time and raise funds.

Martin KellyDirector, Whitley Bay FC

Automation to allow you to get on with day to day running of your club

Online registration

Automatically collect Monthly Subscription payments from parents/players

Automatic payment reminders

Flexible set-up allowing you to charge different amounts per team/group with detailed real time reporting

See who has paid in a single view and automatically retry  payments without you having to chase

Easy reconciliation of funds against your custom setup

Expenses and match fees

Consent Forms

All your data in one place

We’re proud to be supporting hundreds of amazing grassroots clubs

If you are a club official, please complete the form below to get started: