DSC01407.JPGWHOM am I?  I am the person that lives life with passion!…The Tango music inspires me… Dancing and Teaching Tango is a joint SEDUCTION.  The sweet and gentle rhythm captivates both!  The SYMMETRY for romancing life!… I persuade the 4050 followers and 4075 connections on to view the videos of the Tango INSPIRACION and INVIERNO danced and orchestrated. Both will motivate you feel the humanity romancing  this exquisite Social Culture of TANGO DANCE  the cosmopolitan social dance culture! My preferred color is blue… #cuartitoazltangostudio #azultangoclub fundraise opportunities to help charities through Tango Dance Events {Milongas} The phrase I respect {Dialogue is synonymous of a conversation} The word that inspire and motivate me the most is IMMAGINATION!

I persuade you all to learn to dance Tango…It will enhance your social lifestyle anywhere in the world!  Tango Lessons PRIVATE TEACHING in New Jersey 07748 to schedule lessons or inquiry about teaching fee contact Fausto Bermeo  Google +Fausto Bermeo/Tango Lessons Instructor  Twitter@FaustoBermeo0g2 ... CUARTITO AZUL TANGO STUDIO in New Jersey 07748 Fausto Bermeo Instructor  ##