July Fireworks Giveaway


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It’s that time of year again–giveaway time! This time there are three $100 Amazon e-gift cards, five $20 cards, and forty $5 cards, making this my giveaway with the most possible winners to date.

The terms and conditions are the usual ones, as you can see below:

  1. The giveaway is void where prohibited. It is also void in any place in which the nature of size or the prizes would trigger extra reporting requirements.
  2. No purchase is necessary to enter, nor will making a purchase improve your odds of winning.
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  4. The giveaway is sponsored by Bill Hiatt. Any reference to other companies is only for the purpose of describing the prizes and does not imply any endorsement or sponsorship of the giveaway.
  5. The number of prizes will never be less than advertised unless there are not as many entrants as there are prizes. However, the sponsor reserves the right, at his sole discretion, to award additional prizes in the event of an unexpectedly large entry.
  6. The sponsor reserves the right to modify any element of the giveaway if necessary to comply with unforeseen legal requirements.
  7. The sponsor will make a good faith effort to operate the giveaway appropriately. However, the sponsor will not assume responsibility for circumstances beyond his control (for example, website server failure).
  8. All entrants must either be legal adults in the jurisdiction in which they reside or entering with parental permission. Entrants who do not meet this requirement will be disqualified.
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  10. People who attempt to register as more than one entrant through the use of multiple email addresses or by any other device will be disqualified. (One entrant may make multiple entries, as Rafflecopter defines the term.)
  11. Entrants who report through Rafflecopter the completion of entries that they have not in fact completed will be disqualified.
  12. All times listed are in Pacific Time.
  13. Every effort will be made to award all prizes within one week. If a delay is unavoidable, that will be noted on the giveaway page.
(licensed from www.shutterstock.com and copyrighted by Rawpixel.com)

Use the comment area on this post for the memory of summer blog comment option. The comments for the book cover option go directly on that page. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of giveaways, the last weekly giveaway of June ends on July 2, so if you’re seeing this before that time, you can enter here. After that, use the July Weekly Giveaway page.

Good luck!

The giveaway is over.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

87 thoughts on “July Fireworks Giveaway”

  1. My best summer memory was July 4th 1976.All of my family was together to celebrate our nations Bicentennial.

  2. Favorite summer memory is going camping with my family as a child. It was the only real time I spent with my father because he worked a lot. He passed away 2years ago and I really miss him!,

  3. Divided Against Yourselves made me immediately want to know what the book was about. To me, that’s the definition of a good cover.

  4. My favorite Fourth of July memory was when my oldest sister Cheri would take us up to the river to go swimming and have a barbecue,we would be there all day then in the evening go to the drive-in theater,after that would be fireworks and we did that for a few years in a row.

  5. Each year we have been so blessed to make new favorite memories.
    Last years favorite memory for us was being able to see our grandson enjoy his first fireworks

  6. shannon fowler

    My favorite summer memory is going to disney world with my family as a kid. My dad always made the trips so special for me and my sister.

  7. My best summer memory was water skiing in Georgia. My grandparents live on a large lake and in the summer I would get a chance to slalom ski.

  8. My best summer memory is when I went to see my best friend in Virginia in the summer of 2002. We had so much fun catching up, cooking and swimming in the ocean.

  9. My favorite July 4th memories are of celebrating my grandmother since it’s her birthday. We always had big family get togethers and then shot fireworks. SInce she died, the Fourth is bittersweet but I still love seeing my family and remembering her.

  10. I like the cover of separated from yourself. It made me really want to read the book,so I think that is a great cover.

  11. my best summer memory was going on a family picnic then watching fireworks. I miss my parents and the joy of the holidays with them

  12. Rebecca Larsen

    Love the annual 4th of July community party in Menan, ID. Every year there are lots of games and prizes for the kids, great food and entertainment for everyone

  13. Rebecca Larsen

    love the cover for Unknown. Reason why is the cover leaves so many different possibilities open as to what the book may be about.

  14. My fondest memory is that of celebrating the summer solstice at our rural weekend home. The whole village would come together and we had this huge bonfire, there was BBQ and music and yes, they even allowed us kids to have a small fire nearby as well (always with the adults having a watchful eye on us of course).

  15. I don’t have any memories about summer ???????????? we don’t have summer here ???? I’ve never experienced different seasons. Only sunny and rainy days. Boring, i know

  16. My best summers memories are from when i was little and my father took the family for a week off….he was always working so suddenly having time for us and not at home seemed magical and it was such a great surprise

  17. My favourite summer memories are the Christmases I spent as a child. We lived on farms in Northland, New Zealand.

  18. Audrey Stewart

    We walk in Darkness. I just love how well done it is. It makes you think some sort of mystery.

  19. Melissa Cunningham

    One of my favorite memories as a child was watching fireworks with my now late father. We had a blast that day we enjoyed the day at the fair, eating cotton candy, riding rides and watching fireworks. That day was perfect!

  20. my favorite summer memories are of us camping at the lake which we still do, no electronics just us as a family, we spend our days swimming, playing games and talking at night we read, just good family fun!

  21. My best summer memory was visiting family in Ohio and Michigan every single year… we always had fun!!

  22. My favorite 4th of July was when we went to the Grand Canyon and spent time with 2 of my children and and son inlaw and husband

  23. Mary L Cottingham

    When I was a little kid we lived about a block from the river and my dad used to take us out on the front porch roof to watch the fireworks… at least until the year my brother decided he couldn’t sit still.

  24. My favorite memory was when I was young my family would go to the fireworks with our chairs and take something to eat and watch the fireworks.

  25. It was some 16 years ago.. My family and I went to a cruise and visited the whole Croatian coast in 2 weeks. It was beautiful!

  26. One of my best summer memories is from just a couple weeks ago. My SO and I took the kids to the lake camping for the weekend. We had a blast!

  27. my sister and her family has been going to the same beach and beach house for years now. we now bring our family along so that the kids can establish lasting family beach memories as well.

  28. Sarah Phillips

    Being a major horror fan, the cover for Monster Maelstrom is the most appealing! The spooky, dark background, the hands reaching out from the graves, and the bats totally draw me in and make me want to read some scary stories!

  29. Sarah Phillips

    My favorite summer memory would have to be celebrating my 16th birthday on the Summer Solstice with all my friends. Since then, one of those friends has passed away, so I really cherish those memories. We were carefree kids, listening to music and gossiping about boys!

  30. My best summer memory was the summer of 1989 I believe. I stayed in my college town for the summer and met a beautiful young woman. It was unfortunately only a summer fling, but I wish it could have lasted a lifetime…

  31. My best summer memory was our last family reunion on my mother’s side when I was in High School. It was the last time the whole family was able to get together before my grandmother passed. We spent a whole week at the lake swimming, grilling, and having fun.

  32. Stephanie Phelps

    My best summer memory is going to the beach with my kids and having the best time with no schedules and they kids all got a long the whole time and first with four boys. lol We played so hard and just relaxed!

  33. my best summer memory was when the family got together for the yearly family camping reunion; it was a lot of fun and it was great to see those relatives I only get to see one a year.

  34. Really like the cover for Separated from Yourselves; I think the overall look is pleasing and love the wolf and Earth inn the background. Just has a nice feel to is, mystical even.

  35. My favorite memory so far this year is watching fireworks with my son that my boyfriend and his dad put on for us.

  36. My best 4th of July memory is being scared to death of those little black dots you light that turn to worms not sure why it creeped me out but I would peek and look also sparklers

  37. Armando Rincon

    My favorite summer memory would have to be when I got to travel to the country next to mine, I did it without a passport and they let me in for 3 days, lol

  38. My favorite summer memories is my 13th Birthday which is July 1st that whole week we were in Washington DC. It was the best week ever. I had so much fun and the 4th of July Fireworks were the best I have ever scene. I will never forget that. So much fun.

  39. my best 4th of july was when we my mom and sisters sat on the front porch and watch the kids light up fireworks

  40. Mary Beth Elderton

    Most of my best Summer memories have to do with spending whole days at the lake or at the beach when I was a kid. So much fun. I love the water.

  41. Mary Beth Elderton

    ‘A Dream Comes True’ sounds like a fun read! Fantasy, mystery, solving clues–all to learn Greek Mythology.

  42. My favorite summer memory is multiple memories wrapped into one. I long for the annual trips to Lake Erie with our family, before the divorce, before the turmoil. I long for walks on the beach with my siblings, digging for worn down pieces of colored glass that would just sit in glass jars or bags for years. I long for those moments when the rest of the world didn’t matter, our family matters didn’t matter, we loved each other and we were happy. I long for the times before the divorce, the brainwashing, the time we were kept from our other parent and not given a chance to know them for ourselves. We have since went through many more hardships, which caused stress and chaos beyond my control. Since I am the only sibling with children, I had to distance myself for the sake of my children. I miss those moments, the moments when family meant family. The moments before the abuse. The moments before the name-calling, belittling, and terrible words exchanged. I am much less stressed than I was two years ago, but I can’t say I don’t miss those family vacations.

    But now I have a family of my own and we are making our own family memories – amusement parks, different beaches with different worn glass pieces, and always more love. Life goes on.

  43. My best summer memory is when we all went to Colorado for our family reunion. My other best summer memory is when we went to Florida for our female only 1st cousin family reunion. Memories to last a life time but so ready for another one.

  44. My best memory is always having the whole family over for a bbq then fireworks later in the evening. Of course, the pool is always open.

  45. Theresa Powell

    My favorite summer memories were when we used to have family reunions and would get to see all the family members that we didn’t get to see on a regular basis. Unfortunately those came to end with the passing of my Grandmother, she was what held our family together. Now I am grown with 2 grown and 1 almost grown children and 4 grandsons and I wish they had the opportunity to know the rest of their family.

  46. My best summer memory is this past 4th. We got to use the paddle boat on the lake. There were lots of lily pads and the ducks were swimming everywhere. We ate some delicious BBQ and had homemade ice cream. We went out on the pier and set off a lot of fireworks. They bought use colorful sparklers. I loved them as a child. We just had the best time.

  47. Katrina Brockavich

    My best summer memory is when I was little and we would go to the public fireworks show, and then come home and set off our own little “show.” We never did anything big, but it was special to me!

  48. My best summer memory would be during the 4th of July when my kids and my granddaughters came to visit. We had a great cookout on the grill and I enjoyed so much laughing and playing with my granddaughters. I can’t express how much my granddaughters mean to me. It was great and will cherish the memories until the good Lord calls me home.

  49. best summer memory in a couple of sentences. Being five allowed to stay up late and play with my cousins we played spotlight and hide n seek in the semi dark and laughed and had no worries or troubles only fun and happiness

  50. Unknown looks pretty cool. I like the overall cover and the SciFi genre is just fun to get lost in new worlds.

  51. My best summer memory was when my husband proposed to me on the 4th of July 2005! He had hired a personal fireworks show and went all out!

  52. I remember spending summer weekends at the cottage with my cousins. Fishing and campffires were the best!

  53. going swimming and fishing with sister and some friends to nearby river, unsuspected but i had really great time

  54. summers that I spent with my whole family… cousins, aunts, uncles at the lake; we would camp out and swim all day

  55. Jerry Marquardt

    I like the cover art for Hidden Among Yourselves because the color is perfect and I love the elaborate war god theme.

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