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H. W. Charles
Publisher: (October 30, 2012)
Pages: 61

Discover the sacred ancient Jewish wealth secrets of the world's most successful people to build personal wealth and success.Despite making up less than 1% of the world's population, approximately 25% of the world's billionaires are Jewish. In addition, many Jews are millionaires. So why are so many Jews so wealthy? It's not about their genetics or intelligence but rather their religious principles.How can one achieve financial success? You don't need to convert to Judaism or embrace any specific religion or spirituality to utilize The Money Code for building personal wealth. Jewish sacred teachings contain the keys to financial success and wealth creation. The Jewish Code disclosed in this book on biblical finance can be employed by anyone to develop a healthy money mindset, enabling them to amass wealth in entrepreneurship, career, business, and investing.This personal finance book ...
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