
Lately, I have been working on several different goals at the same time. What I have figured out over the last 7 weeks is to reach my goals, I need to focus in on the small steps it takes to accomplish my goals. This is true whether the goal is about health, finances, cooking or trying something new. There are some goals where there is always a focus, even if it is small. For me, this goal is financial freedom and living the best life I can with what I already have in my life. However, my current hyper-focus is on my health.

We went on a trip in June and I realized, I was not only the heaviest I have ever been in my life, I just did not feel good. Now, I am not Spring chicken, so this not feeling well will not get better with doing nothing. When we got back I decided to do something about it.

The week following my vacation, just happened to be the week a large health and fitness company was having their annual Coaches Summit. This was inspiring. I know someone who does their workouts, so I went to their website and checked out the cost. I really, really did not want to spend a lot of money on something, I might abandon. I was pleasantly surprised to find this particular company had a 30-day free trial and was only $99 a year if you subscribed for an entire year. I figured this was plenty of time to figure out whether I could stick to this over time.

Because of my super long commute (made longer by summer road construction), I knew I really needed to do this in the morning or it would never happen. This would mean we had to get up at 5:00 a.m. to have time. Remember though I really, really wanted to do this thing. We started on a Saturday so we could “ease” into it a bit. For this particular program, the workouts are 30 minutes each with a different workout each day.

The first day was hard because I was so out of shape, but I made it through (doing everything modified). Come Monday, we got up at 5, but I thought I would die before it was over, I was so sore. I made it through (and did not die). On day 4, the creator of the workout put in a workout that helped stretch and heal everything and I have truly not been too sore since.

Because this workout was just in 30 minute increments and each day works on a different area, I have stuck to it. I am going with slow and steady wins the race. I have lost 12 pounds and 5 inches overall (mostly in my hips and belly). I’m not losing as quickly as I would like, but I make progress every week.

Last week, I fell off the wagon and bit and I am now paying the price. We refocused today and I know I will lose more. Focus – the key to accomplishing your goals.

Published by The Frugal Princess

I am a mid-western woman reaching the prime of her life. Over the last few years, I have been rediscovering myself and discovering what is important. I recently married the man of my dreams and we are living a happy life. I have learned you can be fabulous without breaking the bank -- welcome to my wonderful world.

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