My top 10 uses for Eucalyptus Essential Oil, A Natural and Frugal Favorite

Eucalyptus essential oil is my favorite essential oil for many uses.

My top 10 uses for Eucalyptus Essential Oil, A Natural and Frugal Favorite.jpg

Join me in my love of all things Eucalyptus EO starting with my 10 favorite uses, but do not stop at 10 uses, there are thousands out there for this great essential oil.

Check out my other top uses blog posts

eucalyptus eo bottle

Eucalyptus is in so many of my blog post, seriously if you search my posts & I mention essential oils 9 times out of 10 I am recommending eucalyptus for that use. One of my favorite essential oil combos is eucalyptus EO, tea tree oil & Lavender EO. In my blog post Our (Top 6) favorite essential oils,DIY, Health, Body care, cleaning & more, Eucalyptus comes in as #2 on my list.
#2 Eucalyptus essential oil is not only a favorite in our home it is my favorite essential oil.

Eucalyptus to me is by far the best essential oil, it can lift my mood & get me going, it keeps my lung healthy (damaged lung) & it can totally make my mood better. Plus eucalyptus goes great pared with other essential oils such as Tea tree  (as mentioned above). Also with Lemon for many uses such as cleaning, with Lemongrass  for a great bug deterrent, with Lavender for a soaking bath or a tingling facial, also great mixed with other mints like Peppermint for room deodorizer, cleaning, deterring spiders & to relieve sinus issues. And Eucalyptus is in the best essential oil combo ever Thieves oil blend you can easily make yourself here. And guess what eucalyptus is great added to toothpaste & oil pulling.

Eucalyptus essential oil: (Eucalyptus Globulus & Eucalyptus Radiata) Eucalyptus oil is analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, & an expectorant, it also used as a natural cleaning solvent, it is great for cold, flu & Eucalyptus has a antibacterial effect in the repository system including upper respiratory, decongestants, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, used successfully as an inhalant & a rub, as a natural deodorant, it is a fever reducer, Used on skin wounds, bruises, soreness, aches & pains, insect repellent, Eucalyptus promotes periodontal health, & fights against tooth decay, great for everything from acne, candida,  migraines to diabetes & ulcers & so much more,

Are you ready, drum roll, ba-dum bish, boom! My top uses for Eucalyptus EO. (in no particular order).

  1. To brush my teeth(oral care): Eucalyptus EO is effective against cavities, plaque, gingivitis & infections because of its germicidal properties. Including eucalyptus EO in oral care is a win win, freshens, heals & prevents issues. Good-bye fluoride, hello to a DIY mouth.
  2. Oil pulling: For the very same reasons as #1 eucalyptus is great to add to oil pulling. eucalyptus eo bottleAnd it can also help many get over the hump of the taste of the coconut oil & gagging too. Oil pulling How, Why, Troubleshooting, FAQ’s, Information – Coconut oil (Part 1) and Oil Pulling – Step by Step Directions for Beginners – Testimonials (part 2).
  3. Cleaning: Simply mix eucalyptus EO in a spray bottle with peroxide or vinegar or just water & you have a germ fighting cleaner safe for most surfaces that is also deodorizing & can be used room/air spray. Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil and DIY ideasEucalyptus Globulus essential oil and DIY ideas and DIY cleaning and DIY lemon eucalyptus deodorizing, disinfecting, sanitizing, Scum & grime cutting cleaners.
  4. Body Butter: Eucalyptus EO is great in skin care & adding it with coconut oil in body butter is awesome. Eucalyptus is refreshing & healing. Whipping your Coconut oil & Other Natural oils into DIY Body Butter.
  5. Pest Control: Eucalyptus EO is great in pest control to repel spiders, ants, roaches, centipedes, aphids, fleas, ticks, beetles, gnats, caterpillars, lice, nits, silverfish, moths, other flying bugs. DIY Natural Pest Control.
  6. 4 Robbers/Thieves EO blend: Make your own thieves essential oil blend & clean your house, diffuse it, rub on skin & more all while building immune system. And one of the EO’s in thieves is eucalyptus EO. How to make your own 4 robbers essential oil blend – DIY Recipes – Fighting viruses and bacteria
  7. Vapor rub: Eucalyptus is used for respiratory health & breathing making it perfect in homemade vapor rubs. Sometimes I just add a few drops of eucalyptus EO to the palm of my hand, add some carrier oil, rub my hands together & apply to chest & feet. Natural DIY Chest Vapor rub.
  8. Soaking bath: To me there is nothing better than mixing epsom salt, baking soda & eucalyptus EO together in a soaking bath. Great for muscle relief, stress relief, respiratory & lung health & is my go to. DIY Soaking Bath for Pain, Sickness Relief and more – Foot Soak too
  9. Diffusing: I love adding eucalyptus eo to my diffuser at my desk. It lifts my mood & helps build my immune system too. How I use my Cool Mist Humidifier and Diffusers
  10. Deodorant: Eucalyptus is not just a great room deodorizer (or fridge deodorizer), it is also great for body odor, thats why I love to include it in my personal homemade deodorant. My favorite it to mix tea tree, lavender & eucalyptus in one of my deodorant powder recipes. Homemade Natural DIY Deodorant.

Plus 2 bonus uses:

  1. Skunk smell: OK so this is not something you deal with every day, but trust me when you do this can be a life saver. A couple years ago our dog got sprayed by a skunk & my kids in trying to help him bathed him & dried him with our good towels. Those towel & the dog just kept right on smelling. I tried all the normal tricks nothing worked. Finally II had enough & mixed very hot water, dawn dish soap, lots of peroxide & baking soda & soaked those towel over night. I then washed them using the same mixture & bam, they smelled amazing. So I decided to wash the dog in the same mixture & it worked like a charm. The eucalyptus is key in this mixture because I had done the other 3 things several times without the Eucalyptus & it did not work.
  2. For lice: Yup that is right, the mixture I use to jkill lice has eucalyptus wo in it & it is very effective. Lice be gone: Using No Poo – Kills – Repels – Nits and Lice.

So what are your favorite eucalyptus uses?

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eucalyptus eo bottle

My top 10 uses for Eucalyptus Essential Oil, A Natural and Frugal Favorite

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More products I love by Tropical Traditions:    Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil  –  Green label Virgin coconut oil  –  Palm Oil  –  Palm shortening  –  Extra Virgin Olive oil  –  Black Cumin Seed oil  –  Organic Sesame oil  –  Coconut water Vinegar  –  Organic Apple cider vinegar  –  Balsamic vinegar  –  Pink Himalayan salt  –  Organic spices  –  Organic Whole Unbleached Sugar  –  Grass-Fed butter  & more.

If you order by clicking on any of my links & order from Tropical Traditions & have never ordered from them in the past, you might receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, & I will receive a discount coupon for referring you”

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