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Hi there!

I'm Naomi, but you can call me Nai (they/she).

I live on the stolen land of the Yugambeh people with my non-binary child Cloud (they/them) and our puppy Fern. I am a writer, researcher and homeschool teacher. On this blog, I write about the things I love - reading, writing, growing and living. In doing so, I often draw upon my background in psychology, coaching and human rights - as well as my experience as an Autistic person. I am so glad you are here and hope you enjoy what you read!

get to know me more!

Following through on my youthful wishlist

When I turned 40 last month, I decided to follow through on a few things I've always wanted to do but for some reason or other have never got done.  First, I've always wanted to write books, so I published my first, You Will Find Your Way , the day after my birthday. I had been sitting on this book for a while, hesitant to share something …

When I turned 40 last month, I decided to follow through on a few things I've always wanted to do but for some reason or other have never got done.  First, I've always wanted to write books, …

The Little Things [May 2024]

Hi there, When I moved to Brisbane, I was thrilled to get to spend in-person time with my friend Sabrina. Sabrina’s husband Cam would join us and we immediately became friends. He brought lots of j…

Waiting Room [POEM]

Trigger Warning & Note: I wrote the below poem after an awful past week in an ICU waiting room. When I left, after saying goodbye to a friend, I thought about my time in that room with those who…

[BOOK] You Will Find Your Way

I am excited to share that my poetry book - You Will Find Your Way: Poetry & Musings - is now available for purchase as an e-Book or paperback on Amazon . If you order a copy on Amazon, I invi…

My 40th Year [Poem]

In my youth,       I used to always think,       that by the time I was 20,       I would be free:       Free to be who I want to be. In my youth,       I used to always think,       that by the ti…

The Little Things [April 2024]

Hi there, Last month (March 2024), I wrote about the little things that were bringing me joy, and encouraged you to respond and let me know what little things you were loving right now too. Here is …

You inspire me

You inspire me  to lounge under the trees;  to pause and appreciate the gentle breeze;  to practice presence and simply be;  thank you for unintentionally helping me see. [Initially posted on Insta…

xo, Nai