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Utah Congressional Delegation Votes To Repeal ACA, Replace With GOP Plan


On Thursday afternoon all four House members of Utah’s Congressional delegation voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with the American Health Care Act.

On the floor of the House of Representatives Democrats chanted “Na na hey hey goodbye” as Republicans gathered enough votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, and replace it with the Republican plan.

The singing appeared to be a direct threat to Republicans who faced criticism in their home districts if they voted to repeal the health law.

House lawmakers passed the bill by a slim majority of 217 to 213. All democratic members voted no, as well as 20 House Republicans.

None of Utah’s four House members were available to comment on their votes, but in statements they pointed to the lack of health insurers in counties around the state and rising insurance costs under Obamacare.

In his statement, Congressman Stewart wrote, “The American Health Care Act will drive down costs, offer families more choices and importantly protect people with pre-existing conditions.”

Coverage of pre-existing conditions under the AHCA would likely fall to states to create insurance options like high-risk pools to cover the most medically expensive residents with chronic conditions.

In her statement, Congresswoman Mia Love said, “Women’s access to health services will be expanded by directing money to community health centers.”

The Senate will now consider the legislation.

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