'Lights for Lives' benefits Seacoast Family Promise

Fundraiser nets $260 for non-profit organization

Erik Hawkins ehawkins@seacoastonline.com
Stratham firefighters Buddy Jameson (left) and Josh Tyler (right) in front of the winner of the Lights for Lives Contest.

STRATHAM – Stratham homes last week competed for the best holiday lights display in the first Lights for Lives contest. 

Entry fees for the contest, organized by the Stratham Fire Department partnered with Seacoast Family Promise and the Stratham Boy Scouts, went to charity. The fundraiser raised $260 for Seacoast Family Promise and organizers said they hope this year's contest will be the first annual. 

This year's winners were the Fernandes family of Jana Lane, whose lavish display included a giant snowman, candy canes and even lights across the rooftop. 

“I put up this many lights every year, but it’s a different display each year,” said Christian Fernandes, who had planned on her display before the contest was even announced. “One of my friends told me I’d been preparing for this all year before I even knew about it. I drive my husband a little crazy every year with our electric bill.”

Fernandes added that she and her husband had actually bought a solar panel earlier this year to help offset their electric bill, but so far it hasn’t even reduced it by half.

“They’ll be up until New Year’s Day, then I’ll take them down to give my husband peace of mind,” Fernandes added.

Jeff Denton, of the Stratham Fire Department, said the idea for the contest came to his son Nicholas, a Boy Scout looking for a community service project, while driving past some of Stratham’s many elaborately decorated homes at the beginning of December.

“We hatched the idea that it would be cool to have a little competition in the community and to do something for charity,” Denton said. “We wanted to spruce up the town and spread some good cheer.”

Denton then pitched the idea to the Fire Department and Seacoast Family Promise, which assists local families with children that are experiencing homelessness, before finally bringing the idea before the Board of Selectmen and gaining their support.

The Recreation Department and the Wiggin Library were also instrumental in spreading the word, according to Denton. A plaque bearing the winners’ names was donated by R & D Discount Trophies of Dover, and will be put on display at the town’s municipal center, with winning families added to it each year.

Denton said that he hopes to advertise the competition further in advance next year to encourage more participation from the community.

“We believe that some people donated to SFP without participating, but all in all it was a fun event for all that participated and we were able to help out a local charity, so we are happy with the results,” said Denton.