Live Event In W. Bridgewater, MA

3 Steps to Activate Your

Fear-Busting Superpowers

Inspirational Catalyst, Spiritual Intuitive, and Bestselling Publisher Linda Joy

Since 1992 Linda Joy has been embracing her superpowers, kicking fear to the curb, and honoring her inner wisdom to create a life and businesses that reflect her truth and inspires women to do the same. Linda knows first-hand what it takes to transform fear to trust and self-doubt to inspired action--she does it every day--and supports her private clients in doing the same.

Through her multiple inspirational brands, including Aspire Magazine, Inspired Living Publishing, and the Inspired Conversations Radio Show, Linda's message of love, feminine wisdom and self-empowerment is embraced by over 44,000 subscribers and 25,000 social media followers. She has been invited to share the virtual stage with today's leading visionaries including Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Ricki Byers Beckwith, Mallika Chopra and others. Linda passionately believes in the power within every woman and that all things are possible when you learn to embrace your fears. 

Are you tired of allowing your fears to sabotage the dreams in your heart?

It 's time to let them go my beautiful friend!  Join me on May 10th for this interactive transformational workshop and...

  • Learn why your fears are actually a sacred gift from the Divine. Yes, really!
  • Learn how to decipher the voices of fear/ego and spirit/love so you can live your full potential.
  • Discover the process to rescript the voices of fear, self-doubt & anxiety to love, trust & inner peace.
  • Tap into the powerful and sacred 'secret weapon' that you have within--just waiting to be activated!
  • Why NOW is the time to bust through your fears so you can live your best life!


The Zen Loft 

120 W. Center Street, W. Bridgewater, MA 

Wed. May 10, 2017 

7:00 - 9:00 pm ET

(please arrive 15 minutes early)

TICKETS:  $44 (includes a sacred gift bag)

~ Bring your favorite journal! ~
