Our 10th annual InnoFrugal Conference is in September 2023

A conference on Frugal Innovation & Impact Investing


Schedule 2023

May 10 – 11, 2023

May 10 – Frugal Innovation Day:

Inspiring and thought-provoking keynotes, talks, and panel discussions on how

– Artificial Intelligence,

– Circular Economy, and

– Open Innovation

lead to impactful frugal innovations and creating a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Highlight Panel – Horizon 2020 EU funded FRANCIS project on how Bosch Siemens (BSH) and Helioz are using open innovation to create frugal innovations and an affordable solution portfolio

May 11 – Impact Investment Day:

– Impact investment keynote, talks, panels, and

– an Impact Startup Pitching event.

Get ready for a truly unique and collaborative experience at our upcoming impact conference! Instead of a traditional pitching contest, we’re shaking things up with a co-creation event that puts the power in the hands of the audience.

Why Register For InnoFrugal Conference?

Access to good quality, affordable solutions is a necessity in today’s economy, as inflation, and stagnant wages create financial strain on individuals and businesses.

Frugal innovation is also key in the fight against climate change! By creating resource-efficient solutions that are affordable, and sustainable, we can reduce emissions and protect our planet for future generations. 

We are seeing new technologies and innovations pave the way for low cost solutions that make a difference. In sectors as diverse as renewable energy, medical technologies, health and well being, fintech, housing,  appliances, and consumer goods, these advancements offer affordable solutions, while creating new opportunities for growth and sustainability.

Furthermore, affordable solutions can promote economic growth by increasing consumer spending and creating job opportunities.

Learn how Businesses, Investors, Nonprofits, and Governments can come together in creating a more inclusive society.


InnoFrugal is a non-profit conference focusing on impact investing and frugal innovations.

First held in 2014, we are a global conference that focuses on Delivering Impact by engaging investors, startups, public & private sector actors, and non-profits to realize the UN SDGs. The program is designed around talks, panels, matchmaking, networking, and a startup pitching contest.

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