1 Simple Frugal Salad that Will Help You Bring on the Veggies!

So… I used to be a strict vegetarian, then I fell off the wagon. With my new found love for Greek yogurt, I decided to put it to the test for a lettuce-less salad.

The Essential Ingredients

  • 2 to 3 cucumbers
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 6 oz. Chobani plain non-fat yogurt
  • 1 can of chickpeas (optional, but its a good veggie protein!)
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • A good sized bowl
  • A spoon for mixing


Step 1

Wash off your veggies and set them on a plate or a clean counter top

Step 2

Peel your cucumbers. Slice cucumbers into disks and then dice into quarters or smaller pieces. Place pieces into your bowl.

Step 3

Dice your tomato and onions. Place into bowl with diced cucumber pieces. Drain can of chickpeas, rinse them, and then add them to your bowl of veggies.

Step 4

Scoop out your yogurt onto your vegetables.


Step 5

Shake ½ teaspoon or so of salt onto your veggies and yogurt. Shake some pepper to taste and garlic powder too.

Step 6

Halve your lemon, remove seeds, and then squeeze the juice all over the contents within your bowl.

Step 7

Mix everything together in your bowl gently, so the pieces don’t fall out. Feel free to eat after mixing thoroughly, or chill in the refrigerator for about 30 to 45 minutes before enjoying!

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Grit N Vinegar is the home of emerging writer, Alex Smith. Focusing on short stories, flash fiction, and poetry, Alex has been published in Sick Lit Magazine and often seeks out new places to submit her writing. Find me @gritNvinegar on Twitter!

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