Welcome to the January Of Books Giveaway Hop, which I co-host with Lonna @ FLYLēF!

I will be giving away a pack of January 2019 books!  US only I’m afraid, because money sucks. (Unless you want to pay the extra shipping, that’s up to you!) 

 Please be sure to check the terms and conditions :) 

Ends January 31, 2019 at 11:59pm EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now hop along to all the other blogs, and thanks for entering! Good luck :)

Posted January 1, 2019 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Giveaway / 36 Comments


36 responses to “January 2019 Of Books Giveaway Hop

  1. Colleen Capelle

    THIS GIVEAWAY!! I seriously want to read these SO bad, but I also graduate high school this year <3 Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity 🙂

  2. John Smith

    “Tell me something you are looking forward to/hope for in 2019!” I am working on projects, and hoping to complete them!

  3. Debra Branigan

    I hope to organize several generations’ collections of photos and start a genealogy book. I also look forward to the several trips we have planned.

  4. Danielle Hammelef

    I’m looking forward to a new kitchen in 2019! No more 1970’s yellow floor or countertops! No more dark wood, scratched cabinets! Happy New Year!


    I am looking forward to reading more books and to get healthier. Thanks for the chance.

    Tighefan42atgmail dotcom

  6. Casey Garvey

    Im looking forward to bettering my life and returning to college! I cant wait to start classes again.

  7. Sab Edwards

    I hope to be able to splurge soon and get a ton of books (or i’m just gonna ask my daughter to give me a treat cus she works at the indigo warehouse and gets bonus in gc

  8. Mary Brannian

    Looking forward to spring and spring cleaning! Got lazy over the cold months and it’s time to clean it up and clear it out.

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  10. Darla Kidder

    To walking better after I broke my right ankle in 2 places and dislocated it. Needed surgery to repair it with plate and screws put in.

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