+ itswalky:
“Not a hoax, not a dream
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Not a hoax, not a dream

use coupon code OHCRAP in the store for 15% off anything!

  1. wastelanderghoul reblogged this from itswalky
  2. junoweird reblogged this from pivitor
  3. 2-clowns reblogged this from bubblybumblebee
  4. bubblybumblebee reblogged this from itswalky and added:
    This strip makes me really, really happy for a variety of reasons.
  5. rc85747 reblogged this from itswalky and added:
    I ship her and R. Dorothy Wayneright not very hard at all. Writing this is literally how hard I ship them.
  6. pivitor reblogged this from itswalky
  7. royalxiii reblogged this from itswalky
  8. dedlok reblogged this from itswalky
  9. thatwasfunwhileitlasted reblogged this from itswalky and added:
    You can’t see Ethan’s face, but you can still see the look of despair and defeat on it.
  10. roximantha reblogged this from itswalky
  11. itswalky posted this