When hospitals are making people sick: Health sector's role in saving the planet

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This was published 6 years ago

When hospitals are making people sick: Health sector's role in saving the planet

By Kate Aubusson

Australia’s healthcare workers have been issued a rousing call to arms to fight climate change by cowing one of the nation’s major polluters: the healthcare system itself.

If you knew how many people were admitted to hospital as a result of your car's greenhouse gas emissions, would you act?

What if you were the hospital staff who had to treat them?

Dr David Pencheon said Australian clinicians had a vital role to play in advocating for action on climate change.

Dr David Pencheon said Australian clinicians had a vital role to play in advocating for action on climate change. Credit: Louise Kennerley

It is radical ideas like this that are helping UK health workers re-frame climate change: from vague and distant problem to urgent public health threat.

"Doctors have nothing to lose, but the future," UK doctor and sustainable healthcare expert David Pencheon told delegates at the Royal Australia College of Physicians in Sydney this week.

The director of the UK's National Health Service's Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) is the architect of a wave of initiatives that cut the sector's greenhouse gas emissions by 11 per cent between 2007 and 2017, even as the demand for health services rose by 18 per cent.

The NHS is responsible for 3 per cent of England’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The Australian health system produces 7 per cent of the national footprint.

"We have a great opportunity here," Dr Pencheon said. "The immediate benefits are too great for us to ignore," he told Fairfax Media.

Climate may be 'the biggest global health threat of the 21st century' according to the Lancet in 2009, but the most successful strategies narrowed the frame of reference, Dr Pencheon explained in a paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia.


Hospitals started reporting their individual carbon emissions and the human toll they exacted.

"Then we calculated how many hospital admissions and [cases of disease] those emissions would have caused ... how many patients coming in with lung disease, or asthmatic attacks," Dr Pencheon said.

“Dealing in the smaller numbers of people in your own city or town has a far greater impact than talking about the [tens of thousands] who die in heatwaves globally,” Dr Pencheon said.

Idling ambulances were highlighted as one of the issues.

Idling ambulances were highlighted as one of the issues. Credit: Darren Pateman

"You start to notice the dirty soot from ambulances idling endlessly because that’s right there in front of you doing immediate harm."

Almost one in 20 of all vehicles on the road in England are related to the NHS, Dr Pencheon said.

The carbon emissions of those vehicles could be reduced by 25 per cent by helping hospital staff get to and from work via car-pooling, and better facilities for bike riders, Dr Pencheon said.

The SDU's sustainability strategies have improved patient health, and saved the NHS an estimated $3.5 billion from 2007 to 2017, though Dr Pencheon says this figure is an underestimation.

“It’s a triple win,” Dr Pencheon said.

He said the financial and health benefits can pierce through the ennui that can stall action on climate change.

“The US has had a lot of success improving air quality because they talk about it as a health issue not an environmental problem," he explained.

UK hospitals were also developing strategies to curb waste from over-prescribing and over-treatment.

Roughly 60 per cent of the health service’s carbon emissions was from procurement, one quarter of which was pharmaceuticals.

The NHS accumulated over $540 million in pharmaceutical waste, Dr Pencheon said.

“It’s time to rethink how we use expensive high-carbon therapeutics instead of incinerating them or flushing them down the loo,” he said, including how best to recycle unused medication.

Dr Pencheon said Australian doctors had a vital role to play in lobbying government to act on climate change.

He is working with University of Sydney researchers who are working with government, clinicians and other stakeholders to track and reduce the Australian healthcare system’s carbon footprint.

The Australian Medical Association has repeatedly called for greater action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, calling climate change "a significant worldwide threat to human health that requires urgent action".

Dr Pencheon will meet with politicians, policymakers and healthcare professionals at several institutions during hie visit to Australia, including a public lecture at the University of Norte Dame's School of Medicine in Darlinghurst on Thursday evening.

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