I Miss You YouAreBeautifulBox.

I Miss You 1.png
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I Miss You 8 png.png
I Miss You 1.png
I Miss You 7 png.png
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I Miss You 8 png.png

I Miss You YouAreBeautifulBox.


Do you miss her? Send her an I Miss You YouAreBeautifulBox to  your long distance friend, girlfriend, or bestie. This is a perfect birthday gift for girlfriends, daughters, nieces, mothers, sisters, grandmas and wives. YouAreBeautifulBoxes aim to brighten her day with inspirational quotes, beauty products, care and colorful décor.

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This box comes with:
-3 Mystery Handmade Items
-Fake Flowers
-Collage/ art
-Inspirational decor
-11.5 inch memory box

*Note these are examples of sold custom boxes. Every YouAreBeautifulBox is unique and made just for her. Items vary*

---Shipping and Delivery Methods:
To Make and Ship: 3-5 business days
For Delivery: 1-3 days

To Make + Delivery: Allow 7-14 days for delivery. 

** Please note, if you are sending this as a gift please place the correct address which should be the recipients address.**

(All boxes are photographed and sent to customer when boxes are complete*)




Copyright Protected---

YouAreBeautifulBox LLC has only two authorized websites to sell youarebeautifulboxes which are youarebeautifulbox.etsy.com and youarebeautifulbox.com. We are not responsible for third party websites and an unauthorized third party website is in violation of our copyrights.

Any unauthorized third party website posing to be youarebeautifulbox, or using photos without permission of YouAreBeautifulBox for commercial use, or displaying similarities to the design of youarebeautifulboxes, are in violation of our copyrights resulting in copyright infringement. Copyright infringement will face legal penalties.