Toronto! Let Reid Teach You How To Deal With Jealousy & Get Your Questions Answered, Sat Jun 24th!

by Reid on May 20, 2017

PolyTO banner for Reid Mihalko workshop double header in Toronto Canada on jealousy for Polyamory TorontoAn Evening Double-Header: Learn how to deal with jealousy AND ‘Ask Reid Anything’ in Toronto, Saturday, June 24th!

Join us for an evening double-header (we said head)! Yep, that’s two, back-to-back workshops in one night, AND one ticket price gets you into both. Big thanks to PolyTO who also created a Pay What You Can Afford option, too!

Tell your friends, lovers and metamours! Join us. 🙂

Workshop Number One: Battling The 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy!

When the Green-Eyed Monster rises from our emotional depths, many people find themselves powerless to stop its many arms from tearing their relationship-world apart.

Well, not anymore!

Join “America’s Favorite Sex Geek,” Reid Mihalko of for a crash-course on how you can kick jealousy before it kicks you!

In this unique interactive workshop, you will learn…

  • Where your jealousy (or another’s) comes from…
  • Why jealousy is normal and why you or a loved one are not broken.
  • What your unique set of Jealousy “Triggers” are
  • Valuable tools for dealing and mitigating your triggers so jealousy doesn’t take over
  • How to dramatically decrease your feelings of dread and anxiety around jealousy, and lessen Jealousy’s grip on those you care about
  • Ways to communicate to your loved ones how they can make your world a less jealous one
  • Boundary and negotiation skills for improving your relationships no matter what emotions you’re experiencing!

If you’d given up on dealing with jealousy or resigned yourself to a life of powerlessness, please join us for what is sure to be an insightful and extremely useful journey into the uncharted seas of being empowered around Jealousy!

Sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko of sitting on a dark stage in a dark suit and blue shirt speaking to a full house at a MindshareLA eventWorkshop Number Two: Ask The Sex Geek: An Evening of Q&A with Reid Mihalko!

Reid will answer all of your Sex, Dating, and Relationship questions in his ‘Ask The Sex Geek’ Q&A session.

Would you like to take your current sexy skills to Jedi levels? Do you want to achieve advanced-level pleasure, intimacy, and connection in the bedroom? Maybe you’re thinking about a career in the art of Sexgeekery! If you’ve got questions, “America’s favorite Sex Geek’s” got answers and opportunity for lots of laughter! 

People of all genders, experience levels, orientations and interests welcome. No question too dorky! 🙂

DATE: Saturday, June 24th, 2017
TIME: 3pm-6pm
LOCATION: TBD Toronto, Canada
COST: $25 CA gets you into BOTH WORKSHOPS!
(Plus, there’s a Pay What You Can Afford option, too!)
TICKETS: CLICK HERE to jump to Eventbrite!


ABOUT REID: America’s favorite sex geek, Reid Mihalko of and helps adults and college students create more self-esteem, self-confidence and greater health in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.

Reid frequently speaks at colleges and universities on sexual assault prevention and healthy relationship skills, and regularly appears in the media sharing his views on consent, dating, and shame-free sexuality.

Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been attended by close to 50,000 men and women. He has appeared in media such as Oprah’s Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil’s The Doctors on CBS, Bravo’s Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages.

Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks which help sex educators learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people, transform move lives, and make a better living as sexperts.

Follow Reid on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube.


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