App #56: Fun Math at the Ballpark [Promo Codes Available!]

Fun at the ballpark is a unique app for kids who love baseball. There are lots of fun math questions and activities that can be done either at the game and at home/in the classroom. Read to the end of this post to have a chance at winning a complete version of this app ($4.99).

Since the typical baseball game is a long drawn-out experience, kids can spend some of the time doing around the game. There are many varieties of questions, where children can use real life numbers from the game and input them into the question.

There are also “imagination” type questions, where children can use their creativity to see what would happen in certain situations. With a total of 50 questions per grade level there is a large variety of questions, Appropriately levelled between kindergarten and grade 6.

Teachers who would like to use this in the classroom can come up with predetermined numbers about the stadium, such as the number of seats in the stadium, or the number of feet to the left field wall. You can choose from different math topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and fractions or even baseball topics, such as the game, the players, and the field.

For a lot of the questions, the children would simply answer out loud or in their head, and then tap “show answer”. Verification would rely on the player and the parent.

Below: A sample grade 4 question with the answer displayed:


You have two choices when deciding to purchase this app: Single grade levels are $.99 each, and the combined K-6 app is $4.99. Check out all the links at


This app is definitely unique and puts a new perspective on math in everyday situations. Baseball is a favourite pastime for many of us (especially those in the USA). Kids will definitely see and understand that math is not just something you do in the classroom. There are many questions that involve the parents as well, and details about the game where the children definitely need to pay attention. The average baseball game length is over three hours. Why not have your children spend even a portion of that incorporating the game and some fun math?

Promo Codes for Fun Math at the Ballpark! Complete Combined Version (K-6!)

Thanks for reading this review.

The developers of Fun Math at the Ballpark have generously given me a few free promo codes to give out for my readers!

Here is how get a chance to receive one:

If you have Twitter:

1. Follow me.

2. Tweet out this (or ANY) of teachingwithipad blogposts by using the Share button at the bottom of each post. Please include the hashtags #ipaded and #ipadchat. Share as many as you can/want.

If you don’t have Twitter:

1. Follow this blog (There's a button at the bottom of every post)

2. Simply leave a brief comment below on how you could benefit from this app, and how you plan on using it. Make sure you leave your email address (it won't be shown publicly).

I will contact winners directly through email or Twitter DM. If you receive a code, please reply back and let me know if it worked. Promo coes have an expiration date. If you are chosen, please remember to redeem it immediately.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol Boley says:

    What a great way to engage parents and children, find math in everyday life, take the fear out of math, and help kids stay entertained…win, win, win, win! Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thanks Carol! Ill keep you posted!

  2. Anonymous says:

    This app looks like a lot of fun! Combining Math and a game that lots of kids love! I would love a chance to win this!

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