MyPillow Now Offering Discounts With Codes Like ‘QAnon’ and Other Assorted Insanity

Mike Lindell Leaving Oval Office Carrying Notes Appearing to Call for 'Martial Law'

Photo credit: Jabin Botsford, Washington Post

MyPillow founder Mike Lindell, when not visiting President Donald Trump at the White House and carrying around lists of possible last-ditch actions for Trump to take in the hopes of overturning the 2020 election, including “martial law,” leads a pillow empire that seems to be flirting with the far-right “QAnon” conspiracy theory.

Using QAnon-themed promotional codes on the MyPillow website can score you deep discounts.

Co-host of the QAnon Anonymous podcast Julian Feeld pointed out the apparent discount on Saturday evening.

“‘QAnon’ currently works as a promo code on mypillow dot com,” Feeld tweeted.

Not only does the code “QAnon” work, but according to a quick but very, very serious Mediaite investigation, other QAnon-related terms such as “Q” and “storm” also give you the opportunity to purchase discounted pillows.

MyPillow didn’t return a request for comment from Mediaite on Saturday evening.

For those unaware, QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory that baselessly alleges that top Democratic politicians and celebrities are running Satanic pedophilia rings.

The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer, a leading reporter and soon-to-be author of a HarperCollins book on the topic of QAnon, explains the conspiracy theory as such:

Nearly all QAnon believers sign on to one basic view: that the world has long been controlled by a sinister “cabal” responsible for a wide array of evils, from wars and famines to diseases, including the novel coronavirus pandemic. This cabal is believed to have tentacles in the top echelons of the Democratic Party, Hollywood, banking, and the government “deep state.”

QAnon believers baselessly think members of this cabal—including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and various Hollywood celebrities—torture and sexually abuse children in Satanic rituals.

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