Middle East and Africa | Red Sea scramble

The UAE is scrambling to control ports in Africa

But it faces rivals from Qatar to China


IT SEEMED an irrational decision 20 years ago. DP World is one of the world’s largest maritime firms. From a squat office overlooking Dubai’s bustling Jebel Ali port, it directs operations in 40 countries. Most are in busy shipping hubs such as London and Rotterdam. But in the 1990s it started making surprisingly big investments in the Horn of Africa. It built a large port in Djibouti, and is now working on another in Somaliland (see map). The combined GDP of the two African entities is smaller than that of Moldova. Yet the firm sees the region as a land of opportunity.

This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline “Ports in the Horn”

The plan to save the WTO

From the July 21st 2018 edition

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