Jasper AI Pricing 2023- What Does Jasper AI Cost? Coupon Code and Lifetime Deal info Included!

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Jasper AI pricing in 2023… what does Jasper AI really cost?

And how can you save money on a paid Jasper AI plan?

Let’s find out!

Note: near the end of the article I also tell you about the best Jasper AI alternative, a fresh tool coming from SEMrush. Click here to go there now!

Jasper AI pricing and cost guide for 2023
Jasper AI Pricing- What Does it Cost in 2023?

Table of Contents

Jasper AI Plans Pricing Compared

Jasper AI plans pricing and cost

Jasper AI offers three pricing plans (Creator, Teams, and Business Plan).

You can pay in monthly installments or yearly. Yearly plans come with 20% discount.

Creator and Teams come with a 7-day free trial which you can see on their pricing page.

Busines plan probably offers a free trial too but you’ll need to negotiate it with Jasper AI’s customer service.

Jasper AI Monthly Plans:

  • Creator: $49/mo;
  • Teams: x $125/mo;
  • Business- contact Jasper AI support to ask for pricing.

Jasper AI Yearly Plans (20% Off the Price):

  • Creator: $39/mo;
  • Teams:  $99/mo;
  • Business- contact Jasper AI support to ask for pricing.


I’ll always recommend Jasper AI as it is my number #1 AI writing tool of choice. And I recommend you go for a yearly plan so you can save 20% off your purchase.

That said, monthly plans are better for you if you only need Jasper AI for one or a couple of months.

Note: there’s a 5-day refund guarantee for all Jasper AI plans.

Activate Jasper AI free trial here!

Jasper AI PlanNumber of Word CreditsMonthly PricingYearly PricingDiscount

Jasper AI Pricing and Cost for Jasper Art Add-on

Jasper AI offers one add-on to its core offer.

That is Jasper Art, one of the best AI image generators on the market.

Jasper Art

Jasper Art cost $20/mo per user and with a Jasper Art subscription, you can make an unlimited number of artworks.

Note: currently it’s not possible to buy Jasper Art on its own. This means you need to have an active Jasper AI plan in order to buy a Jasper Art subscription.

Jasper Art

Jasper AI Pricing: Should You Pick a Creator Plan? Or is Teams A Better Choice for You?

The 2 most popular Jasper AI plans are Creator and Teams.

Creator plan is significantly cheaper and best suited for solo marketers looking to create both short and long-form copy at scale; whereas Teams is more suited for teams of bloggers (or content agencies) looking to scale blog post production.

Jasper AI Creator Plan

Jasper AI Creator plan
Jasper AI Creator plan

Jasper AI Creator plan is good for:

  • Creating entire blog posts from scratch
  • Creating tweets and other types of social media posts;
  • Short-form content (great for copywriters);
  • Quality product descriptions; for e-commerce stores;
  • etc;

A 5-day refund guarantee is available for Jasper AI Creator.

Get a Creator plan 7-day trial here!

Jasper AI Teams

Jasper AI Teams plan
Jasper AI Teams plan

Jasper AI Teams is great for:

  • Bloggers who want t scale their blogs fast;
  • Book writers for novels, essays, stories, etc;
  • Marketers for writing high-converting product reviews;
  • Anyone who wants to write in-depth and high-quality content.

A 5-day refund guarantee is available for Jasper AI Teams.

Get a JAsper AI Teams plan 7-day trial here!

Jasper AI Pricing and Cost 2023 FAQ- All Your Questions Answered!


Jasper AI pricing and cost 2023 FAQ
Jasper AI pricing 2023 FAQ- your questions answered!

My Jasper AI pricing and cost guide would be incomplete without a thorough FAQ section, agree?

#1- Is There a Way to Get Jasper AI Discount and Coupon Code?

There is no official Jasper AI coupon code.

If you see a website offering you one, you know they’re trying to trick you somehow.

However, there are 2 ways to save on a Jasper AI subscription.

The first is described right above: by buying a yearly plan of Jasper AI you can get 2 months free while paying for only 10 months.

The second method is that you get free credits for your Jasper account if you perform certain actions.

#2-How Much Does Jasper AI Creator Plan Cost?

Jasper AI Creator plan costs $49/mo for unlimited words per month; or $39/mo for unlimited words per month (paid in one yearly installment).

Jasper AI PlanMonthly PriceYearly Price
Creator$39/mo for unlimited words of content.$49/mo for unlimited content.

#3-How Much Does Jasper AI Teams Plan Cost?

Jasper AI Teams plan costs $125/mo for unlimited words per month, or $99/mo for unlimited words per month (paid in one yearly installment).

Jasper AI PlanMonthly PriceYearly Price
Teams$125/mo for unlimited content$99/mo for unlimited content

#4-How Much Does Jasper AI Business Plan Cost?

The cost of the Business plan is not shown on the Jasper AI pricing page.

This is because you need to arrange it with the Jasper AI team. Please contact them at hey@jasper.ai and schedule a chat with one of their support staff.

#5- What Happens if You Hit the Jasper AI Pricing Plan’s Word Limit?

You can’t hit the Jasper AI plans word limit because all Jasper AI plans give you unlimited words to work with.

#6- What Does it Cost to Add New Team Members to use My Jasper AI Subscription?

You can add more team members to your Jasper AI Teams plan. Each individual team member costs $62/mo when paid monthly, and $49/mo when paid yearly.

#7- Is There Jasper AI 3-Month Plan (Quarterly)?

There is no Jasper AI 3-month plan.

You can pay for Jasper AI Creator, Teams, or Business only in monthly or yearly installments.

#8- Is There Jasper AI 6-Month Plan (Semi-Annual)?

There is no Jasper AI 6-month plan

You can pay for Jasper AI Creator, Teams or Business only in monthly or yearly installments.

#9- Is There a Jasper AI 9-Month Plan?

There is no Jasper AI 9-month plan

You can pay for Jasper AI Creator, Teams, or Business only in monthly or yearly installments.

#10- How Can I Pay For Jasper AI Plan?

You can pay for Jasper AI with all major credit and debit cards. All payments are secured with a 3D secure authentication.

#11- Can I Pay for Jasper AI With PayPal?

You can’t pay for Jasper AI with PayPal.

Jasper AI doesn’t accept PayPal as a payment method.

#12- Can I Pay for Jasper AI With Bitcoin?

You can’t pay for Jasper AI with Bitcoin.

Jasper AI doesn’t accept Bitcoin as a payment method.

#13- Can I Pay for Jasper AI With Cryptocurrency?

You can’t pay for Jasper AI with cryptocurrency.

Jasper AI doesn’t accept any cryptocurrency as a payment method.

#14- Can I Pay for Jasper AI With Virtual Cards?

You can’t pay for Jasper AI with virtual cards.

Jasper AI doesn’t accept virtual cards as a payment method.

#15- Can I Pay for Jasper AI With Cash Apps?

You can’t pay for Jasper AI with cash apps.

Jasper AI doesn’t accept cash apps as a payment method.

#16- What is the Jasper AI Refund Policy?

You get a 5-day money-back guarantee. Applicable to all plans.

#17- Can I use Premium Cookies to Get Jasper AI for Free?

The Jasper AI premium cookies method of getting Jasper for free doesn’t work and it’s a waste of time.

Premium user cookies for Jasper AI don’t work and in fact, have never worked. The “user cookie” method of getting a tool for free is largely patched and the Jasper AI team are on top of it.

Bottom line: Jasper AI premium cookies don’t work!

#18- Can I Use the Cracked Version of Jasper AI instead of Paying for a Subscription?

You can’t use the cracked version of Jasper AI to avoid paying for a subscription because cracked Jasper AI doesn’t exist. It’s a type of scam meant to fool you to download viruses onto your computer.

You can read my guide linked above to learn more about it.

#19- Is There a Jasper AI Lifetime Deal I Can Use to Get a Subscription for Cheaper?

Currently, there is no Jasper AI lifetime deal you can use.

In fact, Jasper AI have never offered a lifetime deal for potential users to grab.

Bottom line: Jasper AI lifetime subscription doesn’t exist.

#20- Are There Any Other AI Paraphrasing Tools I Can Buy? What Do They Cost?

Jasper AI is a good paraphrasing tool, excellent even. But it’s not the only one.

There are plenty of AI paraphrasing tools on the market. And many of them are significantly higher priced than Jasper AI, but some are substantially cheaper.

For example, Quillbot is an excellent paraphrasing tool and if you just need a paraphrasing app and are not interested in creating content with the help of artificial intelligence, then you can read my Quillbot guides below.

Again, Quillbot is an excellent alternative to Jasper AI.

#21- Are There Any Other AI Grammar Checking Tools I Can Buy? What Do They Cost?

Jasper AI is not an AI-powered grammar checker, but its Grammarly integration works great in tandem with Jasper AI.

It’s more than enough for you and a way to save some money as getting Jasper AI means not spending money on Grammarly Premium or some other dedicated grammar-checking software.

However, if you’re looking to get Grammarly or some other grammar checker tool, read out my guide on the best AI grammar-checking apps next!

You can also read my guides to Grammarly pricing, Grammarly student discount, and Grammarly Premium free trial next.

#22- If I Buy Jasper AI, Does That Mean I’ll Need to Purchase an AI Content Detector?

Jasper AI’s underlying technology is GPT by Openai and GPT content can be detected by AI detection tools.

So you will need to use an AI text detector if you worry about posting AI content on your blog. However, the good news is that there are free AI content detectors on the market.

Click the link to learn more.

If you’re looking for the best and most proven AI content detection software, then check out ORiginality.ai.

They’re currently the number one detector for AI generated content and they’re constantly improving too.

To learn more about Originality.ai you can read my guides to Originality.ai pricing, Originality.ai free trial, and Originality.ai coupon code.

Finally, my Originality.ai review is an excellent read as well.

#23- If I Buy Jasper AI, Does That Mean I’ll Need to Purchase an Online Plagiarism Checker too?

Jasper AI generates unique content so you have nothing to worry about on that front. It’s one of their major selling points to bloggers like you.

However, if you’re worried you can proceed to read my guide on the best online plagiarism checkers next.

Jasper AI Pricing and Cost 2023 FAQ- All Your Questions Answered! Share on X

The Best Jasper AI Alternative for This Year and Beyond- ContentShake by SEMrush

ContentShake AI by SEMrush
As I promised in the intro of this article, here are the deets on ContentShake by SEMrush, the best (in my opinion) AI article generator on the market today.

ContentShake AI is an AI-powered content creation tool available in the Semrush App Center. It helps you generate and optimize content ideas, article outlines, introductions, headers, images, and conclusions.

You can also write entire articles with it with a push of a button.

To get started with the tool go to your SEMrush account and in the left sidebar go to Content Marketing>ContentShake.

ContentShake within the SEMrush dashboard

Next, enter the idea (keyword) you want to write about. The idea is to feed ContentShake a keyword as a prompt and have it write an entire article for you.

Click the “Start Writing” button.

Enter the keyword in ContentShake dashboard

And just like that ContentShake will scrape the winning websites from the SERPS and create an article for you based on their winning formula.

On the left you can see the headlines you can pick from, the intro section, and most importantly the article structure section (the article’s outline)

On the right you will see the first draft of the article ContentShake created.

ContentShake article first draft generated by AI

In the upper right corner, there’s an “Improvement” tab. Click it and ContentShake will scan the article it generated and give you SEO and rewrite suggestions for each paragraph.

You can take advantage of some of these, but you don’t have to if you prefer to manually optimize your article for best on-page SEO.

ContentShake SEO and rewrite improvements and suggestions

What Does ContentShake AI Cost?

ContenShake AI comes in free and paid versions.

The free version includes:

  • 3 articles per month
  • 3 topic ideas per week
  • 3 ideas for each weekly topic
  • Custom ideas
  • 3 “AI Rewrite” and “Compose with AI” features per article

The paid version costs $60 per month and includes:

  • 25 new content ideas per week (5 topics with 5 ideas for each)
  • Unlimited articles
  • Unlimited “Compose with AI” and rewrite features
  • One-click WordPress publishing

So, the main differences are that the paid version provides unlimited AI article generation and publishing capabilities, while the free version has limits on the number of articles, ideas, and AI uses per month. Overall, the paid version removes limits for $60/month.

Try ContentShake here!

The free version is more than enough for you to grasp what this AI writing tool can do for you.

Jasper AI Pricing and Cost 2023 (Conclusion)

My Jasper AI pricing and cost tutorial for 2023 is over.

So let me ask you…

Now that you know how much Jasper AI costs, are you going to buy it? And which plan will you pick? Starter?

Boss Mode?

Let me know in the comments section below.

And start a Jasper AI free trial here!

To learn more about it, read my Jasper AI free trial guide next!

Nikola Roza

Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.

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