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Afternoon Tea
  • Patisserie Valerie Chocolate Cake Delivered

    Nationwide Next Day Delivery

    Next day cake delivery options available or select a confirmed delivery slot up to 90 days in advance. Our cakes are freshly baked then frozen and packed with dry ice before dispatch to protect their intricate designs and fresh taste. All our deliveries are carbon neutral.

  • Afternoon Tea

    Dine in or Click & Collect

    Our patisseries offer delicious sweet and savoury treats including brunch, afternoon tea, pastries and croque monsieur alongside our famous cakes & gateaux and speciality coffee. Pop in for the full Patisserie Valerie experience or click & collect for something to takeaway, perfect for those last minute celebrations that need a fabulous cake!

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100 Years' of Baking

100 Years' of Baking

Patisserie Valerie started in 1926 when the pastry chefs Esther and Theo Gyseghem moved to London and opened a Belgian patisserie on the corner of Dean Street and Old Compton Street in Soho...

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