
No-one looks forward to managing a PICC line or other attached device. When it’s time, however, we persevere. My experience hasn’t been all good or all bad. What it has done is teach me that we need to take control of what we can, making the experience our own.

You (or your loved one) might be facing a new diagnosis, a new treatment plan, or a new medication regime. You may feel bombarded with medical terms, statistics, appointments, side effects, and procedures. There isn’t a lot of control you can have over any of those things, but you CAN control how you care for your PICC line or other device. Our sleeves allow you to hide it if you’re wearing a uniform, show it off with confidence, or have a sleeve for every outfit!

That’s where PLD came from, born through a desire to help others find a measure of comfort, a feeling of security, and an expression of their own tastes in this journey.

We are always happy to hear from others. Suggestions about how to make our products better are always welcomed.

Patterned Sleeves

Patterned Sleeves

Sleeve Sets

Sleeve Sets

Plain Sleeves

Plain Sleeves


As users ourselves, we know everyone has their own experience, their own ideas. Tell us what you think we are doing well, or not so well!

Picc Line Design