• Phone
  • (02) 9078 3694
  • Address
  • Richmond NSW 2753, Australia

All About Dogs

You know how they talk about 'Crazy Cat Ladies'? Well I am one of those - but with dogs. I have three pet dogs (all different breeds). I dog walk every day with up to six dogs at a time, and I run a dog show, where I am also a judge. I can tell you everything from the best breed for farms to the best flea treatment for dogs.

Dog Show

I have been running the dog show for the past eight years. I landed this dream job after entering one of my dogs into it one year.

I became interested in the behind-the-scenes of the show and started off as one of the groomers.

I worked my way up and now love what I do. It is a lot of work in the lead up to the annual show, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Changes are happening to this year's show. We have sponsors on board and are looking at putting together a doggy gift bag for all participants.
It would include useful products like nexgard chewables and heartworm medicine for dogs.
We will be advertising these bags beforehand as an incentive for more people (and their dogs!) to sign up.