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Coconut Lane Wishlist and Discount Code!

I'm so excited to be working with Coconut Lane. They are the first brand that I will have properly worked with for my blog and I have so many exciting posts planned so keep an eye out for them! I have loved Coconut Lane since I first started my blog and followed other Bloggers who work with them so today I thought I would show you my Coconut Lane Wishlist. 

Gold Selfie Case
Since these came out I have wanted one and I still don't know why I don't own one just yet. So of course when I noticed this on the Coconut Lane website, I wanted it straight away! I will definitely be ordering this! 
Screenshot 2016-08-22 13.02.41.png

Blair Waldorf Wall Art
This is sold out at the minute but I will be checking the website to see whether this is in stock. Gossip Girl is one of my favourite programmes, if not my absolute favourite and Blair Waldorf is my favourite character. Me and my best friend always joke that we're like Serena and Blair so of course I need this print!! 

The Sass Quote Collection
This is also sold out at the minute :( But again, I will keep checking whether it's back in stock and I will tweet when both products are so make sure you follow me over there (BethCarney_x). I am starting University very soon and this set of notebooks would be perfect for all of my notes. They would also be perfect to include in Blog pictures! 

Infinity Bracelet 
I am obsessed with the Infinity symbol since I noticed it in the TV series Revenge! This bracelet is so cute so I definitely need this! 
Untitled design (2).png

This is all I'm going to include in my wishlist, but there are so many things that I want to order from Coconut Lane. As the title of this post says, I have a discount code that you can use! Use the code bethcarney20 for 20% off anything you want on the Coconut Lane website! I'm so happy to be working with Coconut Lane and hope you love the company just as much as I do. 
Beth X 

Coconut Lane
My Discount Code: bethcarney20

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