Tuesday, June 11, 2024
HomeFact-CheckRajdeep Sardesai lies yet again, this time about the SC's decision on Rafale deal

Rajdeep Sardesai lies yet again, this time about the SC’s decision on Rafale deal

For some, the adage “with great power comes great responsibilities” doesn’t hold any significance. For them, it is perfectly fine to perfunctorily keep peddling their figment of imagination as long as it is appearing to buttress their agenda. In one such case, senior journalist and consulting editor at India Today, Rajdeep Sardesai, was caught once again sharing lies to obfuscate the truth and confuse his readers and followers into believing something which never happened.

A petition to seek the details of decision-making processes involved in signing the Rafale deal was filed by Advocate M.L Sharma, Advocate Vineet Dhanda, and Robert Vadra’s brother in law, Tehseen Poonawalla. The petitioners wanted a probe into the deal and disclosure of costs involved and wanted cancellation of the deal alleging that it was the result of corruption.

The Supreme Court heard the matter and refused to issue a notice to the centre. But, contrary to the SC’s decision, Rajdeep Sardesai put out a misleading tweet stating that the SC has issued a ‘notice’ to centre to explain processes involved in procuring the Rafale aircraft.

Acting on the petition, the SC heard the matter but refused to issue a notice to the central government. However, the apex court showed the willingness to be apprised by the government about the steps followed in taking the decision of procuring Rafale fighter jets.

The Supreme Court had clearly denied issuing a notice to the centre in the aforementioned matter but despite this Rajdeep Sardesai has neither apologized for jumping the gun and misguiding his followers nor has he deleted the tweet which might continue to mislead other gullible Twitter users.

In the past too, Rajdeep and his wife, Sagarika Ghose, have been caught for shamelessly peddling lies on their social media pages and accused of playing the victim when their lies are debunked by aware social media denizens. Rajdeep Sardesai quoted a fake news peddled by a Pro-AAP blog about Kasganj communal riots and accused that ANI had shared fake news but neither of them has issued an apology and deleted the post till date when their lies were busted by Editor of ANI, Smrita Prakash.

In 2017, Rajdeep Sardesai accused the BHU VC of joining PM Modi in his political roadshow but subsequently admitted to his fault of “mistaken identity” and apologized for the same. Sagarika Ghose was slammed by a Republic TV journalist for spreading lies about her. Much recently, in March 2018, She indulged in maligning Hinduism based on a lie about sperm filled balloons thrown at college girls. Two years back, in 2016, the Art of Living accused Sagarika Ghose of peddling lies and asked her to apologize to Sri Sri.

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Jinit Jain
Jinit Jain
Writer. Learner. Cricket Enthusiast.

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