It's common knowledge that if you're a parent of a young child, you don't leave important things lying around for them to get their hands on.

Or at least you'd think it was.

But the parents of a two-year-old boy from Utah had to learn this lesson the hard way after an envelope of cash containing $1060 (about £800) they'd been saving went missing.

And after turning the house upside down looking for the money, they discovered their son Leo was the cause of its disappearance.

The couple lost over $1000 they'd been saving (stock photo) (

Jackee and Ben Belnap had been eagerly saving up to treat themselves to season tickets to watch the University of Utah's football team.

Over time they'd managed to scrape together over $1000, but when the time came to pay for the tickets - the money had vanished.

The couple searched high and low for the envelope, worrying it may have gone out with the rubbish.

But Jackee eventually found it somewhere else.

It turned out, much to their horror, that their toddler had put the money through the shredder.

Ben shared a post about the situation on Twitter.

He said: "So me and my wife had been saving up to pay for our Utah Football tickets in cash. We pulled our money out yesterday to pay my mom for the season... Well we couldn’t find the envelope until my wife checked the shredder. Yup. 2 year old shredded $1,060."

The tweet has gone viral, with over 400 shares and 1,600 likes.

His wife, Jackee told American broadcaster KSLTV : "Leo helps me shred junk mail and just things with our name on it, or important documents we want to get rid of."

The youngster had shredded their money (stock photo) (

But she never imagined he'd shred this important item.

She added: "We just, for like five minutes, we just shuffled through it, not talking. We didn’t know what to do and then I broke the silence and I’m like, ‘Well, this will make a great wedding story one day'."

People were quick to respond to Ben's tweet and share similar stories.

One fellow parent wrote: "Join the club. Our older daughter shredded five Amazon gift cards worth $450. My wife is deaf and didn't even notice her running the shredder just inches away from her while she was shopping online. It took her a week to piece all but one tiny cross cut piece together with tape."

Thankfully all hope isn't lost.

Utah tickets got in touch with Ben following his post offering to help out with a "couple extra tickets to an upcoming home game". They joked that a babysitter would not be included.

And there's a chance the couple could get some of their savings back as there's a special government office in D.C. that deals with mutilated money.

Ben explained: "I called the guy the next morning and he said, ‘Oh, we might be able to help you here,’ and I was shocked. He said, ‘Bag it up in little Ziploc bags, mail it to D.C., and in one to two years, you’ll get your money back."

Fingers crossed in two years they'll be reunited with their cash.

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