Saving endangered trees in Africa

Forest Financial
4 min readMar 27, 2022

A community contest hosted by Forest Financial

It is important to ensure the biodiversity and ecological impact of our forests. Many trees host hundreds of species of insects and other animals, absorb hundreds of kilograms of CO2, and provide an earning wage for farmers.

For precisely this reason we, at Forest Financial, are hosting a community contest for our followers on Twitter and Discord to raise awareness for certain endangered trees.

Adansonia digitata (Baobab)

The Baobab


CO2 absorption/year: 300 KG
Price: €69,90
CO2 per €: 42,92 Kg

Its local uses include traditional medicine, increase in animal biodiversity, and the growth of fruits that are used to make scented candles, nutrient rich food powder, and other food supplements.

Besides the CO2 absorption and the use of its components, Baobab trees offer a lot of shade to small markets created by villagers, and offer strong ground erosion resistance.

Grevillea robusta A.K.A. “The Silky Oak Tree”

The Grevillea


CO2 absorption/year: 80 KG
Price: €27,90
CO2 per €: 28,67 Kg

The Grevillea mainly helps to protect endangered plants and trees from harsh winds, as well as improve the quality of the soil for other fauna. It can do this with the help of its vast root system.

While it does not offer immediate sources of food and nutrients for humans, livestock do graze on the leaves from this tree, which in turn help the local farmers to sell livestock produce. The flowers of a Grevillea also contribute to the bee population.

Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok)

The Kapok


CO2 absorption/year: 200 KG
Price: €49,90
CO2 per €: 40,08 Kg

Thanks to its fruits, seeds, and leaves, the Kapok is an attractive source of food to local farmers. Be wary, though, as it is covered in sharp spikes to deter any thieves from taking its produce.

The Kapok also helps with reduction of soil erosion, and the improvement of the quality of the dirt used by other plants to grow, by means of its extended root system.

The contest

Three teams are created within our Discord server, each representing 1 of the above trees. You can choose to join any of these teams and compete to gain the most awareness for your tree by creating content. At the end of two weeks (April 10th), the team with the highest engagement points is declared the winner.

Team members are encouraged to create any type of media content to raise awareness about the endangered trees, especially one of the following:

  • Twitter posts
  • Instagram posts/stories
  • Medium articles
  • Youtube videos
  • Facebook posts
  • LinkedIn articles/posts

Engagement points

To measure the level of engagement and awareness of a tree, we are giving points for every time that a social media user interacts with any of the above content.

The media content needs to focus on the tree and its role within nature and the local farmers. Also provide a direct link with Forest Financial, whether by Discord invite link or Twitter profile link.

See below for the points per interaction for every platform.


Like: 5 points
Comment: 10 points
RT/QRT: 15 points


Like: 5 points
Comment: 10 points
Story share: 15 points


Clap: 5 points
Comment: 10 points


Like: 5 points
Comment: 10 points
Short: 50 points
Video: 100 points


Like: 5 points
Comment: 10 points
Share: 15 points

If you wish to create content for a platform that isn’t listed, please discuss this with a staff member first to see if you are eligible to get points.


There is, however, a twist to this. We only count interactions from social media users that are “verified” or are otherwise eligible as the the following requirements:

Twitter, Instagram, Youtube

Verified status

Medium, LinkedIn


Should any eligible user decide to create content for a tree, then we will add extra points to the connected team, based on the size of that user and their following.

There are two Discord channels per tree, one for chatting, and one for delivering proof of an eligble user interacting with a post.


The team with the most engagement points at the end of the contest is rewarded with the following:

  • 50 Seed NFTs
  • $1500 in AVAX

The NFTs are given away randomly within the team, as well as 6 $250 chunks of AVAX.


We are donating 5000 euros to plant as many of the winning tree at Treedom, a reforestation part in Africa, the Americas, and Italy. Every tree planted gets their own geolocation tag, a picture, and a unique webpage containing a diary/logbook of the progress of this tree.

We are exploring the possibility of creating a NFT for each tree.

View Treedom here:


For those that want to directly support Treedom and help grow these trees, a multisignature wallet for every team will be made available after a few days. No matter the outcome of the contest, 100% of the funds contained in this wallet is donated to that tree.

There will be a USD $ to engagement point conversion once the wallets go live. Every dollar will add a certain amount of points to the total count of the team.

