I'm a travel journalist and an author. I love traveling to interesting places and then telling the world all about my journeys.
Kathleen Walls, former reporter for Union Sentinel in Blairsville, GA, is publisher/writer for American Roads and Global Highways.
Welcome! I want to introduce you to the very busy world of a travel writer/author/publisher. Actually I wear a few more hats as well.
These books recount terrors and trivia that made up their lives during the conflict. Always the backdrop for these everyday events was the might drama of The ...
We have probed the vastness of outer space. Our divers have plumbed the watery depths. Yet there are still many things science cannot explain.
He was one of America's first naturalists to visit and write about Florida. His book, Travels Through North And South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, ...
Travel Writer/Author. History, nature, interesting places & cats. Writes Mystery & History https://t.co/rC9oWQzGBK https://t.co/E5etN5icy3 ...
Tax sales are like loaded minefields on a battleground. The goal is worthwhile, acquiring valuable property for pennies on the dollar.
Travel journalist & photographer, author of fiction & non-fiction books. Writer and go-for at American Roads and Global Highways. (www.americanroads.
Vickie's daughter is dead. Just one more dead druggie among the hundreds that die each year in Jacksonville, Florida's drug infested slums. The police aren't ...